
This is my (@paulbunkham) blog journaling my year of making. There will be a new post for each thing I make. This is the list of ideas, and please do get in touch (by twitter or email paul (at) bunkham (dot) com ), I'd love to hear from you!

Happy Matticversary to Me! A Year Working for Automattic

Deciding on an Electronic Decision Maker


Automagically Losing Work. A Lost Art

Versions Matter. Finding Bugs and Updating CLJSJS ClojureScript Packages

Where’s Bunkers? The Importance Of Taking A Break.

Extending and Refactoring What Matters. Defining Matter.JS Worlds With ClojureScript

Setting Up Only What Matters And Breaking The Laws Of Physics With ClojureScript

The Last Post. Level Complete. Prepare For Level 2

Disappointment and Crowdfunding. Why I’m Destined Never To 3D Print Anything!