
This is my (@paulbunkham) blog journaling my year of making. There will be a new post for each thing I make. This is the list of ideas, and please do get in touch (by twitter or email paul (at) bunkham (dot) com ), I'd love to hear from you!

Over Engineering Logos With Matter.JS

The Uneconomical World Of The Middle Aged Software Developer

Single-minded Woocommerce – Selling just one thing

Adding Optional Extras To Woocommerce Delivery

Woo and the Art Of WordPress e-Commerce Maintenance

Congratulations Mum’s Back. It’s a web site!

Ain’t Apostrophes (and Failure) Annoying?

No Fear ‘Til Bedtime

Overriding and Resetting Twenty Seventeen

Bending The 2017 Theme To Your Will